Imagine there are two vaccines, materially identical, yet differing in legal status. One has emergency use authorisation (therefore no liability for the manufacturer) and is in use. The other has full approval but is not in use. It could be used when there's no longer deemed to be an emergency, but with liability for the manufacturer. Unless it's on the childhood vaccination programme, in which case there would be no such liability. But children are at virtually no risk from the disease it's intended to protect against and are at risk from serious adverse reactions to the vaccine.

Children would not, of course, be given the vaccine. Without an emergency, the manufacturer would accept liability.

Thought experiments had a long and noble history in philosophy as a means of resolving ethical conundrums. Until intelligent people stopped thinking, instead preferring to signal their intelligence by following The Science™.

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Excellent piece, well written, graphs are gems

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one of your best yet Damien - must pull the wool from the eyes of a few more in the wobbling middle of the argument

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